Monday, January 10, 2011

Five Months To Go

So I've tried to keep a blog on my past two ICP's but failed miserably. Those three months I was in Florida just flew by and before I knew it I was back in Canada. This time, I am determined to keep a blog and update it on a regular basis. So for those who have not heard me blab non stop about what I will be doing this year, in June I will move back to Orlando, Florida to start a one-year contract at Walt Disney World as a Cultural Representative. I will be working in the Canadian pavilion at Epcot so yes I will be working in Canada at Florida. I first heard about this program when I was 16 while on a family trip to Disney and it has always been in the back of my mind. I have worked for Disney twice before doing the International College Program and had so much fun. Working at Disney is a life changing experience and I'm so grateful that I get a third chance to go back.

Right now there isn't much to write about since there is still another five months to go but I hope to keep this updated with some interesting info while I wait to leave.


  1. Do you know what area you are working in yet??

  2. Omg I didn't even post that haha. I will be working in food and beverage.

  3. Very exciting !! If you keep up the blogging now, before you leave maybe you'll be so used to it, it will be second nature to post while your there. :p We definitely wanna hear the fun stories!
